Global Homeopathic Summit 2023
Imponderables, Sarcodes and Evolution
The world's leading homeopaths share new approaches, clinical cases and their experience on the most current topics.
Classical homeopathy in the modern world
Classical Homeopathy in the modern world
Groups of remedies that cause a feeling of happiness, homeopathic remedies made of hormones of joy
Groups of remedies that cause feelings of happiness, homeopathic remedies made of joy hormones
Relationships between “stellar” and “terrestrial” remedies
Relationships between “stellar” and “terrestrial” remedies
New imponderables and the old polychrests, interrelation and practical use
New imponderables and the old polychrests, interrelation and practical use
Just some 100-150 years ago, humanity didn’t even know about the existence of energies that are now an integral part of our daily life. These energies affect us from birth and more often become the source of homeopathic remedies.The very first imponderable remedy was introduced to homeopathy by its founder, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
“Sarcodes contain information about the biological structure of organs. By resonating the organ structure energetically, similar to plucking a string or ringing a crystal chime, the organs’ natural healing energy is stimulated…”
We live in a very interesting and dynamic time, and in order to meet its requirements, we should not be content with only old, albeit proven, knowledge.
Why imponderables?
Why sarcodes?
Why are the topics of the Summit relevant now?
Dr. Ajit Kulkarn
President of the Summit
Roman Buchimensky
"Our task is to help participants understand their personal place in the processes that take place on planet Earth, in homeopathy and holistic medicine."
Get the full article “Why everyone should be able to use sarcodes to heal” by Ajit Kulkarni for free.
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What will you get from the Summit?
You will expand your homeopathic horizons, be able to recognize new remedies and confidently and successfully prescribe them
A Must learn for modern Homeopath
Learn and receive unique materials and lessons on the topic of the Sarcodes and Imponderables.
Results of the 7th Global proving PRESENTED FOR THE FIRST TIME
Expand your homeopathic horizons, learn to recognize new remedies, confidently and successfully prescribe them
Learn up-to-date experience of leading homeopaths and acquire knowledge that can be put into immediate practice
Speakers and their topics

Eileen Nauman, USA

The evolution of homeopathic remedies from Hahnemann to the present day - preparation, purpose and use. Perfection of methods and homeopathic skill.
Medical astrology, Healer, Hereditary Shaman, Academic degree in homeopathy, Astrology teacher, writer, leader of the 7th Global proving. DXM (UK)
  1. The right hemisphere of the brain as a metaphysical toolkit.
  2. Potencies above 12C as an energizing agent.
  3. An unusual way to use the energy of the right hemisphere.
Ajit Kulkarni, India
Sarcodes: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Practical application of sarcodes based on 40 years of professional experience.
Classical homeopath, academician, practicing for over 35 years. Director, Institute of Homeopathic Research, Pune, India. Author of many books on homeopathy." DHMS (Mumbai), Gold Medalist, DI Hom. (London), HMD (UK), PGDP (Postgraduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology), MD (Hom.)
  1. Sarcodes are an arsenal of resonating organs.
  2. Homeopathy is an advanced microimmunotherapy.
  3. The theme of sarcodes, illustrative cases.
Deborah Collins, France
Noetic remedies (derived from the meditative process/meditation) and their practical applications.
He has been practicing homeopathy since 1986. Co-editor of the online homeopathic journal Interhomeopathy and the English version of the Spectrum Homeopathy journal. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences
  1. How to prepare any remedy yourself through meditation?
  2. The power of the therapeutic effect often exceeds purchased products.
  3. Telepathically sending medicine to those who need it.
  4. The power is within each of us.
Roland Gunther, Canada/Germany
Ultrasound: the natural unexplained from an unnatural source
Doctor of Medical Sciences. Practices and teaches the preparation of medicines by hand, combining homeopathic trituration techniques, the alchemical principle of transformation and wisdom. MDHom, RCSHom, PhD
  1. Ultrasound rubbing.
  2. Experience and result of ultrasound Shamiya.
  3. Why shouldn't we be curious about ultrasound scanning of pregnant women?
  4. Is autism linked to ultrasound exposure?
  5. Clinical experience of ultrasound treatment.
Roman Buchimensky, Israel
How invisible energies are increasingly becoming the source of homeopathic remedies.
Founder of Via Homeopatica, clinical experience 37 years. Master of Medical Sciences, expert in holistic medicine. Applies traditional and modern techniques in the field of psychosomatic therapy, transpersonal psychology and other knowledge and methods designed to reveal personality. Master, IACH, LMHI
  1. The tangible influence of various energies on human life and humanity.
  2. New homeopathic remedies from eternal sources of invisible energies.
  3. The case of the North Star.
Kate Birch, USA
Infectious disease and its role in activating the evolutionary process: Covid-19
CEASE Certified Therapist. Co-founder of the international organization “Free and Healthy Children”. Author of the book “Without Vaccination: Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases with Homeopathy.” RGHom(NA), KKB, WTC

  1. Infectious disease strategy and miasmatic imprints.
  2. Covid research.
  3. Evolution from Covid – What is Covid meant to cure?
Duration: 87 min
Duration: 103 min
Duration: 18 min
Duration: 60 min
Duration: 43 min
Duration: 70 min
Speakers and their topics
Michal Yakir, Israel
The evolution of Earth and the evolution of plants - how does it translate into homeopathic remedies
Doctor of Philosophy, homeopath with 30 years of experience, teacher. For many years she was a President and a speaker of the Israeli Association of Classical Homeopathy (IACH). PhD, RCHom
  1. The periods of evolution are difficult to grasp in one's mind , but they are encoded in homeopathic remedies.
  2. Taken together they constitute a map of evolution.
  3. Learning the remedy in this way, one can imagine the main features of a huge period
Jawahar Shah, India
Perceiving Sarcodes and Imponderables through Interesting Clinical Tips’
Doctor of Medicine, classical homeopath with more than 30 years of practice. A pioneer in homeopathic software development and credited with developing Hompath, one of the premier homeopathy software programs. M.D. (Hom.)
  1. 45 years of experience in using sarcodes and imponderables.
  2. Development of homeopathic thinking using the example of these groups of remedies
Andreas Bjørndal, Norway
Provings of cosmic and terrestrial imponderable remedies. What do they teach us and what is their importance in modern homeopathic practice?
A proving journey into the worlds of imponderables. Testing the limitations and possibilities of provings and how they inform our methodology and practice.
  1. Exploring the proving spectrum.
  2. From crude substance to imponderables.
  3. From causality to retrocausality.
Andreas Holling, Germany
Homeopathic remedies from natural phenomena: Solar eclipse (Eclipse solaris), Storm (Tempesta). Unforgettable cases of healing.
He has been practicing homeopathy since 1987 and teaching for 15 years. Author of HomöoQuest cards. Developer of a new concept of the periodic table of elements: “Theory of Dimensions”. Since 2020, the Member of the Executive Board of the Amma Resonance Healing Foundation (
  1. Homeopathic remedy "Tempesta" from a storm: how to detect it in patients by sensation method?
  2. Proving of this remedy based on data from Mary English
  3. Where can I find this remedy so that patients can use it?
Alize Timmerman, the Netherlands
Menstruation blood as a Remedy
40 years of Homeopathy practice. Founder and the Director of Homeopathy Institute named after S.Hahneman in the Neththerlands. One of the first to use homeopathic preparations of female hormones. Alize's Lacteal and Oxytocin provings help restore women's health around the world.
  1. Insight into our ancestral background.
  2. Awareness of our Mother and Grandmother story.
  3. Woman Power Resonant remedy, The Creative Vitality.
Cathy May Lemmon, USA
Homeoprophylaxis and Evolution
Founder of Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice for Disease Prevention (HPWWC), she has put together international conferences for the promotion and education of homeoprophylaxis, For this effort, she has also been working with and presented before world leaders, homeopaths, medical doctors, lawmakers, as well as private citizens. She is the Owner, Operator of Healthy Healing Arts, LLC. Her primary focus within her practise is the nontoxic immunization option, homeoprophylaxis. PhD Hom, LCPH (post-graduate), BA.
  1. Homeopathy as a preventive method.
  2. Prevention and treatment.
  3. How to resist negative factors
Duration: 102 min
Duration: 53 min
Duration: 80 min
Duration: 66 min
Duration: 66 min
Duration: 56 min
Speakers and their topics
Divya Chhabra, India
Evolution of the State, and Neural conditioning with a case example.
Famous homeopath, author of the associative method. She has carried out provings of many Lac remedies, and also performed Calcarea carbonica and Natrium muriaticum in potencies from 30C to 50M. MDHom
  1. Importance of understanding evolutionary processes manifested in biology, physiology and clinical practice.
  2. How to use them to increase the effectiveness of homeopathic care.
Gaurang Gaikwad, India
Application of sarcodes as deeper remedied and as intercurrent remedies in complicated pathological cases
Recipient of National Award for Best Teacher of Homeopathy. He published 4 books: “Decoding Psychic Rubrics”, “Matteria Medica of Nosodes and Sarcodes”, “The Art of Repertorization and Homeopathic Strategies” and maps of acute conditions.
  1. Why sarcodes have the power of a deep influence and are often used as remedies that remove barriers to healing.
  2. Regulatory properties of sarcodes reflecting the essence of their sources.
Chetna Shukla, India
The results of the 7th Global Proving. Disclosure of the proving remedy.
30 years of experience in homeopathy. Conducted more than 30 provings. Organized global provings. Author of the book “Food Similia: Individual Diet”. BHMS
Sigrid Lindemann, Germany/India
The Use of Imponderables in Homeopathic Practice. The case of Jupiter.
Sigrid Lindemann, WISH faculty, teaching Sensation Method in videoseminars in Germany since 2004. Sigrid offers an 80hr Online Training in Sensation Method. Special focus is direct perception of Source (simillimum); Imponderabilia, Carbohydrates, Trituration provings and working with special needs children, neurological and genetic disorders.

Sigrid Lindemann founded Integral Regression Therapy, which combines work with the inner child, trauma therapy, energy work, past life therapy and integral yoga

Sigrid lives and practices in Auroville, an international community with 3000 people from 60 countries in South India.
Proving of Aqua Terra, water from 324 places, with 2 video cases.
Wyka Feige, Germany
Striking case of Electricity
Based on the method of sensations, she developed an approach that consider cases through revealing the patient’s internal “drawing”. The practice combines elements of traumatic and bodily psychotherapy, and spiritual awareness.
  1. A young man with a metastatic brain tumor (ependymoma, III degree) and several metastases to the spinal cord.
  2. An unusual patient in several respects, he needed an extraordinary remedy from a small prescribed group.
  3. After 7 months of Homeopathic treatment tests showed a decrease in the size of both the primary tumor and metastases.
Angelica Lemke, USA
Intuiting Imponderables and Sarcodes - Using intuition to unlock difficult cases with sarcodes and imponderables.
Homeopath, naturopath. Founder of Intuitive Homeopathy School. Author of the book "Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy.” She holds a degree in naturopathic medicine and a bachelor's degree. ND (Naturopathic Doctor)
  1. Is it possible to learn intuitive thinking?
  2. How to properly use intuition in clinical practice?
  3. Sarcodes in pediatrics.
Duration: 100 min
Duration: 45 min
Duration: 110 min
Duration: 76 min
Duration: 70 min
Duration: 77 min
Jeremy Sherr, Israel/Tanzania
Homeopathic evolution in my recent work.
An outstanding homeopath, practicing since 1982, teacher, author of many books. He is the organizer of thoughtful provings and the discoverer of new homeopathic remedies.
Dinesh Chauhan, India
Plant kingdom and the manifestation of happiness in human life
One of the most influential figures in the modern homeopathic world. 16 years of practice. He was awarded the prestigious “Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman 2014” at the Global Achievers Conclave 2014. The essence of his work is reflected in the concept of an integrative, inclusive holistic approach in homeopathy.
Olga Fatula, Russia
The doors that Saturn opens for us. Proving of the rays of the planet Saturn. Main topics and examples of prescriptions.
Doctor of classical homeopathy, candidate of medical sciences in restorative medicine and homeopathy, teacher. Head of the school of homeopathy training and the club of scientific homeopathy Scienzia. Researcher at the Eurasian Agency for Science and Education. Member of the International Homeopathic League and the Russian Homeopathic Society
You will get bonus when purchasing all 3 days online — access to recordings of unique lectures that will not be available online at the 2023 Summit
Sigrid Lindemann, Germany/India
An overview and proposed table on imponderabilia
Sigrid Lindemann, WISH faculty, teaching Sensation Method in videoseminars in Germany since 2004. Sigrid offers an 80hr Online Training in Sensation Method. Special focus is direct perception of Source (simillimum); Imponderabilia, Carbohydrates, Trituration provings and working with special needs children, neurological and genetic disorders.

Sigrid Lindemann founded Integral Regression Therapy, which combines work with the inner child, trauma therapy, energy work, past life therapy and integral yoga

Sigrid lives and practices in Auroville, an international community with 3000 people from 60 countries in South India.
Margarita Ashichmina, Russia
R-potency as a continuation of Hahnemann's ideas.
Homeopathic doctor, candidate of medical sciences. Practicing since 1996. Author of books and articles. She introduced a number of new homeopathic remedies into practice, organized many provings (Vuples, Cacao-t. Vesica fet, Orcinus orca, Erinaceus, Glis slis, Pipistrillus, Eubalaena glacialis, etc.).
Shilpa Bhouraskar, Australia
Role of imponderables in Multilayered Autoimmune Cases
In homeopathy since 1997. Director of TQFS Academy and author of HomeoQuest software - an intuitive homeopathic program. She is the creator of the Steps template, which provides a framework for learning homeopathy and building a successful homeopathic practice.
Punit Desai, India
Embracing Digital Tools in Homeopathy. Your Gateway to being Clinically & Commercially Successful
MBA, Marketing from Melbourne Australia. Co-founder Welcome Cure World's No.1 Homeopathy Telemedicine Platform
Duration: 60 min
Duration: 63 min
Duration: 67 min
Duration: 60 min
Duration: 120 min
Duration: 48 min
Duration: 40 min
Purchase recordings
Chose one day recording indicate which day 1 / 2 / 3 you wish to purchase
Entire 3 days of conference recording
You will get bonus when purchasing all 3 days online — access to recordings of unique lectures that will not be available online at the 2023 Summit
(if you wish to purchase the remaining 2 days $130)
Feedback about the Summit 2023
Media partners of the Summit
Homeopathic Research Institute and
Clinic by Ajit Kulkarni
Homeopathy Junction
Quest For Simillimum Academy
School of Intuitive Homeopathy
by Angelica Lemke
Scienzia - scientific
homeopathy club
The Academy of Classical Homeopathy
Andreas Bjorndal's blog
Organizing Committee
Roman Buchimensky
President of the Summit
Harry van der Zee
Member of the Organizing Committee
Chetna Shukla
Member of the Organizing Committee
Angelica Lemke
Member of the Organizing Committee
Andreas Bjorndal
Content advisor
Ajit Kulkarni
Member of the Organizing Committee
Olga Fatula
Member of the Organizing Committee
Deborah Collins
Member of the Organizing Committee
Details of the Contractor:
Innovibe Ltd.
ID: 205709933
Dianabad distr., 1172 Sofia, Bulgaria
VAT № BG20570993318:11
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