Public offer

As amended on September 28, 2023.
This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer, Agreement) is an official public offer of Innovibe Ltd. ID: 205709933 Bulgaria, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, to conclude with any individual or legal entity, as well as an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer” ") Agreement for the provision of information services in the form of providing access to the Contractor's information products (World Homeopathic Summit 2023) under the conditions established in this Offer.
The Customer undertakes to fully familiarize himself with the terms of this Offer before paying for the Services.

1. General Provisions.
1.1. This document, in accordance with Articles 435, 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is an official proposal (public offer) of the Contractor to an unlimited number of Customers to conclude an Agreement for the provision of paid information services provided by consistently providing Customers with access to the information products of the Contractor “World Homeopathic Summit 2023”) , presented on the Contractor’s official website, including subdomains and its electronic pages (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), through the Customer’s use of personal computers and mobile devices with Internet access. The specified site is owned and administered by the Contractor. The place of provision of services is the actual location of the Contractor.
1.2. “World Homeopathic Summit 2023” (hereinafter referred to as the Training Course or Information Product) includes, jointly or separately depending on the choice of the buyer, access for a certain period through the Getcourse and Telegram Platforms, namely to audiovisual materials, and also includes consultations on course issues provided electronically via the Internet.
1.3. Acceptance is the complete and unconditional acceptance of this Offer by the Customer placing a symbol (check mark) on the Site in the “agree with the terms of the offer agreement” column and the Customer paying for services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Based on paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of an offer is tantamount to concluding an agreement in writing.

2. Subject of the agreement.
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision by the Contractor of information services for a fee by gradually providing the Customer with access through the Getcourse and Telegram Platforms to the Contractor's Training Course, presented on the website on the Internet at the address: Providing access begins from the date indicated on the Site.
2.2. As part of the execution of this Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with answers to the Customer’s questions (via chat or other means of remote communication, if provided for by the course program), and also provides other information support to the Customer during the completion of the Training Course.
2.3. The services under this Agreement are limited to providing the Customer with access to information, developing skills for its independent use, answering the Customer’s questions, in accordance with the conditions and scope of the purchased Training Course.
2.4. The information product (Training Course) is the intellectual property of the Contractor and is protected by law on the basis of Article 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Contractor is the manufacturer of the specified Training Course, and he has the exclusive right to use the Training Materials in any form and in any way.
2.5. The services under this Agreement are provided by the Contractor remotely via the Internet on its own or with the involvement of third parties.
2.6. All information received as part of the Training Course is advisory in nature; the Contractor does not bear responsibility for the results of its use.
2.7. Access to the Training Course selected by the Customer after he has gained access to the training materials is retained by the Customer for the time specified on the Site (

3. Terms of provision of services.
3.1. Before providing access to the Training Course, the Contractor sends the Customer a confirmation information letter containing the necessary information about access to the course to the e-mail specified when filling out the payment form on the Site.
3.2. In the event that in accordance with clause 3.1. The contract terms and conditions confirming information letter was not sent to the Customer, the latter undertakes to contact the Contractor by e-mail:, indicating the non-receipt of the letter with access to the Training course and providing a copy of the receipt for payment for the course.
3.3. The terms for the provision of services depend on the type of Training Course purchased by the Customer and are indicated on the Site.
3.4. The moment of completion of the provision of services is considered the moment of providing the Customer with access to the final lesson of the Training course chosen by the Customer.
3.5. Services under this Agreement are considered to be provided with proper quality and on time, as well as accepted by the Customer without complaints, if after 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of providing the Customer with access to the final lesson of the Training course chosen by the customer, the Customer has not stated a reasoned objection to the quality and the scope of such services by sending a corresponding application to the Contractor’s email: The message must contain the Customer's last name, first name, patronymic, the essence of the demand and evidence confirming the demand. The acceptance certificate for the provision of services is not drawn up, unless otherwise established by a separate agreement of the Parties.

4. Procedure for payment for services.
4.1. The cost of services under this Agreement is presented on the Site and can be changed by the Contractor at any time unilaterally. The new price is applied from the moment it is published on the Site and does not apply to services paid for at the time of publication.
4.2. The cost of the Training Material does not include the “Service Fee” - the cost of the Contractor’s services charged for the Contractor’s services in reserving a place for the Customer. If there is a reasoned return of the cost of the Training Course to the Customer, no additional deductions will be made in favor of the Contractor.
4.3. Payment for services is made in the order of 100% (one hundred percent) prepayment, made by the Customer in Russian rubles in non-cash form.

5. Responsibility.
5.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. The total liability of the Contractor under the Contract is limited to the amount of payment paid to the Contractor by the Customer under the Contract.
5.3. The Customer has the right to cancel the Agreement and apply for a refund under the conditions provided for in this Agreement. In this case, the Contractor closes the Customer’s access to the Training Course.
5.4. In the event that the Customer notifies the Contractor of its refusal to fulfill this Agreement and presents the requirements provided for in clause 5.6. of this Agreement, the Contractor, within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the application, returns the funds for the part of the service that has not yet been provided on the date of receipt of the application.
5.5. The Customer's refusal to execute this Agreement is sent in the form of a scan/photocopy in pdf or jpeg format of a corresponding application signed by the Customer personally to the Contractor's email: At the same time, in this application it is necessary to indicate: last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant; the amount paid in fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement; refund amount; details of the account to which the return must be made; the reasons why funds are subject to return; date of application, signature and transcript. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the Customer’s passport (to identify the Customer as the person who paid for the services), and documentary evidence of payment.

6. Other conditions.
6.1. The Contractor is the copyright holder of all intellectual property objects posted on the Site, unless otherwise specified.
6.2. Access to the Training Course and the right to use it during the provision of services is provided to the Customer only for the Customer’s personal purposes. This Agreement does not provide for the granting of rights to the Contractor’s intellectual property to the Customer and/or third parties and the use of the Contractor’s intellectual property by the Customer differently than specified in this Agreement.
6.3 The Customer is prohibited from distributing, publishing, posting on the Internet, copying, transferring or selling to third parties, recording, downloading, making screenshots and photographs of recordings of audiovisual materials and other content provided as part of the provision of services under this Agreement. If the Customer violates the provisions of this agreement relating to the protection of the Contractor's copyrights, the latter has the right to demand compensation in the amount of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) rubles for each violation, as well as compensation for all damages caused, including lost profits.
6.4 The Contractor is not responsible for the impossibility of providing services to the Customer for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, including: disruption of the Internet channel, equipment or software on the part of the Customer, failures in the operation of email distribution services, etc.
6.5. The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the terms of this Agreement if the Customer provides false and/or incomplete information about himself during the purchase of the Training Course, including contact information, as well as if the Customer does not provide new contact information when it changes. In the cases listed in this paragraph, services are considered to have been provided properly and are subject to payment in full.
6.6. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement if the failure to fulfill obligations was the result of force majeure, including: actions of government authorities (including the adoption of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, strike , war, significant disruptions to the Internet, blocking of sites, court injunctions or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.
6.7. A Party that cannot fulfill its obligations under the Agreement due to force majeure must promptly, but no later than 5 (five) calendar days after the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, notify the other Party in writing, providing supporting documents issued by the competent authorities. Force majeure circumstances that are generally known do not require confirmation. The Contractor has the right to notify (notify) counterparties of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances by posting information on the Site. Such notification is considered proper.
6.8. The Customer and the Contractor have the right at any time to draw up an Agreement for the provision of services in the form of a written bilateral document.
6.9. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Customer agrees to the unlimited processing by the Contractor of personal data provided by the Customer (including last name, first name, patronymic, email, telephone), including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, extraction, use , transfer, provision, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of data in order for the Contractor to fulfill its obligations related to the provision of services provided for in this Agreement, as well as for the purposes of sending out invitations to events and other information, including via email, as well as in order to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Contractor undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Customer’s personal data.
6.10. By accepting the terms of this Offer, the Customer agrees to receive advertising and information about the Contractor and the Contractor’s activities by receiving messages to the phone number specified during registration, including messages to any instant messengers by phone number, auto calls, letters to the email address specified during registration.

7. Final provisions
7.1. The claim procedure for pre-trial settlement of disputes arising from the Agreement is mandatory for the Parties.
7.2. Claim letters are sent to the Contractor at the email address:, and to the Customer at the email address specified by the latter when purchasing the Training Materials. All notifications and messages sent by the Parties to each other at the above addresses are recognized by the Parties as official correspondence under this Agreement. Sending claim letters by any other method by the Parties is not permitted.
7.3. The period for consideration of a letter of claim is 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the latter by the addressee. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute pre-trial, it is referred to the court in accordance with the jurisdiction and jurisdiction at the location of the Contractor.
7.4. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance by the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
7.5. The Customer and the Contractor have the right at any time to draw up an Agreement for the provision of Services in the form of a written bilateral document.
7.6. The Contractor has the right at any time, unilaterally, without prior agreement with the Customer, to change the schedule and conditions for the provision of services, while ensuring that the changed conditions are published on the Site at least one day before they are changed.
7.7. The public offer is posted on the Contractor's website. The Contractor has the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer Agreement at any time, indicating the date of the changes. Changes to the terms of the Offer Agreement begin to take effect from the moment they are published on the Contractor’s website.

Details of the Contractor:
Innovibe Ltd.
ID: 205709933
Dianabad distr.
1172 Sofia
VAT № BG205709933